<DATE> Contents

SOS - Shinjinrui on Sumo
Chris Gould
Chris sinks his teeth into how sumo can go about pulling in the younger fans - currently so noticeable by their absence. The first of a three-part series.
Sumo World Championships
Mark Buckton
Mark Buckton reports from Sakai near Osaka, site of the latest Sumo World Championships.
Rikishi of Old
Joe Kuroda
Joe Kuroda finishes off his look at former yokozuna Minanogawa.
Sumo 101 / Eric Evaluates
Eric Blair
Eric expains sumo fan terminology - with the inevitable twist - for those just getting into the sport and still subject to the know it alls.
Age stands still for no man
Joe Kuroda
Former ozeki Kiyokuni will retire in November under the compulsory '65 and you are out' rule. JK takes a look at this quiet earth mover.
Feel the Sumo
Eduardo de Paz
Read and feel the renowned Leonishiki's passion for all things sumo at his first live event.
SFM Interview
Mark Buckton
Mark interviews Colin Carroll - again - Irish star of Sakai.
Photo Bonanza
See the Aki Basho bonanza as well as the largest collection of pics you are likely to see on the Sumo World Championships earlier in October.
Aki Basho Summary  
Lon Howard
Lon wraps the September Aki Basho and throws in some henka sighting results for good measure.
Lower Division Rikishi  
Mikko Mattila
The lower divisions, their members and results get the once over thanks to Mikko's eye of things 'beneath the curtain'.
Kyushu Ones To Watch  
Carolyn Todd
Carolyn shares her thoughts on whom to keep an eye on in Fukuoka.
Kimarite Focus
Mikko Mattila
Mikko's latest clarification of several of the sport's plethora of kimarite.
Amateur Angles  
Howard Gilbert
Howard Gilbert - manager of New Zealand's amateur sumo team takes a look at the approaching Russians.
Kokugi Konnections  
Todd Lambert
Click on Todd's bimonthly focus on three of the best sumo sites online.
Fan Debate  
Facilitator - Lon Howard
Jesse Lake and Rich Pardoe hammer out their differences on a current furor - promotion criteria.
SFM Cartoons   
Benny Loh & Stephen Thompson
In this issue's cartoon bonanza, sit back and enjoy Benny Loh's offerings and put a caption to Stephen Thompson's picture to win yourselves a banzuke.
Sumo Odds ’n’ Ends   
SFM's interactive elements including Henka Sightings, Elevator Rikishi and Eternal Banzuke!
Lets Hear From You  
What was it that made you a sumo fan? Kevin Murphy reveals all.
Readers' Letters  
See what our readers had to say since we last hit your screens.
Sumo Quiz   
The Quizmaster
Answer the Qs and win yourself next basho’s banzuke.
Wakamifuji was confirmed as the winner.

In a yusho-deciding bout, he had a spirited tussle against 19-year-old Sasaki with plenty of action in a bout that lasted over a minute. At the end, Wakamifuji performed tsukiotoshi on the advancing Sasaki, and took a fine 7-0 yusho at his career-high rank. He commented that he was able to do good keiko with his heya-mates, Wakanoho and Wakatenro as well as some rikishi at Oguruma-beya.

Sakaizawa had another strong basho with a 6-1 kachi-koshi after two consecutive 7-0s since his debut. At 23, he makes his highly anticipated makushita debut in Kyushu. Matsutani, who defeated Sakaizawa with a devastating uwatenage in the Nagoya basho jonidan play-off, had a decent 5-2 this time and will also make his makushita debut in Kyushu. The promising Mongolian Hoshihikari (22) was reported to be


in excellent shape in pre-basho keiko, beating his heya-mate, juryo Kanbayashi, many times in a row. He had dropped to sandanme due to injury, but came back strongly and only lost to Ikehara. Speaking of which - Ikehara may not have the most blessed body for sumo but he
has a great start to his career. This was his third basho and third 6-1 record. It is interesting that the only loss he suffered was against the jonidan yusho winner Tokitairyu.

Chiganoura-beya has a good keiko situation with many hungry young rikishi. Yet, in the Aki basho


Masutoo failed to show the ability as he obviously demonstrates at keiko and fell to a 2-5 make-koshi, and Masuhikari came to a sudden stop with 2-5 at Sd22. Only Takunishiki managed to do strong sumo with a 5-2 at Sd32.

Tongan Minaminoshima returns to

makushita with a 6-1 at Sd 25, and Georgian Gagamaru makes his debut in makushita, having rung up 5-2 at Sd16. Naruto talent Sasaki should also make it to makushita with his

6-1 at Sd46. Tokitairyu (23) and Georgian Tochinoshin (19) both reached 7-0 and clashed for the yusho in a play-off. They are of equal size (190cm – 6’3”, 130kg – 287 lbs.) and they both joined ozumo at the Natsu basho this year. Tokitairyu defeated his younger foe with a morozashi-based yoritaoshi in the play-off, and will find himself in high sandanme in Kyushu. He started with a 5-2 in Natsu, followed it with 6-1 in Nagoya and excelled with the 7-0 yusho + play-off win, so his trend certainly looks promising. Tochinoshin adds more proof of the quality of the


young Georgian recruits. The big and strong college rikishi Kitazono stretched his streak of 6-1 to three since his debut, but he didn’t face Tokitairyu or Tochinoshin.


L10 Web Stats Reporter 3.15