SOS - Shinjinrui on Sumo |
Chris Gould
Chris sinks his teeth into how sumo can go about pulling in the younger
fans - currently so noticeable by their absence. The first of a
three-part series.
Sumo World Championships |
Mark Buckton
Mark Buckton reports from Sakai near Osaka, site of the latest Sumo World Championships.
Rikishi of Old |
Joe Kuroda
Joe Kuroda finishes off his look at former yokozuna Minanogawa.
Sumo 101 / Eric Evaluates |
Eric Blair
Eric expains sumo fan terminology - with the inevitable twist - for
those just getting into the sport and still subject to the know it alls.
Age stands still for no man |
Joe Kuroda
Former ozeki Kiyokuni will retire in November under the compulsory '65
and you are out' rule. JK takes a look at this quiet earth mover.
Feel the Sumo |
Eduardo de Paz
Read and feel the renowned Leonishiki's passion for all things sumo at his first live event.
SFM Interview |
Mark Buckton
Mark interviews Colin Carroll - again - Irish star of Sakai.
Photo Bonanza |
See the Aki Basho bonanza as well as the largest collection of pics you
are likely to see on the Sumo World Championships earlier in October.
Aki Basho Summary |
Lon Howard
Lon wraps the September Aki Basho and throws in some henka sighting results for good measure.
Lower Division Rikishi |
Mikko Mattila
The lower divisions, their members and results get the once over thanks to Mikko's eye of things 'beneath the curtain'.
Kimarite Focus |
Mikko Mattila
Mikko's latest clarification of several of the sport's plethora of kimarite.
Amateur Angles |
Howard Gilbert
Howard Gilbert - manager of New Zealand's amateur sumo team takes a look at the approaching Russians.
Kokugi Konnections |
Todd Lambert
Click on Todd's bimonthly focus on three of the best sumo sites online.
Fan Debate |
Facilitator - Lon Howard
Jesse Lake and Rich Pardoe hammer out their differences on a current furor - promotion criteria.
SFM Cartoons |
Benny Loh & Stephen Thompson
In this issue's cartoon bonanza, sit back and enjoy Benny Loh's
offerings and put a caption to Stephen Thompson's picture to win
yourselves a banzuke.
Sumo Odds ’n’ Ends |
SFM's interactive elements including Henka Sightings, Elevator Rikishi and Eternal Banzuke!
Readers' Letters |
See what our readers had to say since we last hit your screens.
Sumo Quiz |
The Quizmaster
Answer the Qs and win yourself next basho’s banzuke.
Feel The Sumo
Text and Photo by Eduardo de Paz
can witness is the tremendous competitiveness in all the categories.
You can go to see the bouts with the idea that in the lower divisions,
the wrestlers are small, thin and with little technique, but the
reality is that practically all those who go up to the dohyo to fight,
do it convinced of their force and demonstrate a repertory of
techniques and power that astonishes everybody. And, seeing the bouts
of makushita, you can understand how difficult is to reach to the upper
categories, because the level is very similar to juryo and sometimes
even to the lower part of makuuchi.
One of the most incredible moments of all the trip is when finally you
begin to put faces to all those names with whom, over the years, you
have shared your passion about sumo: Mark, John, Barbara, Katrina, Rob,
Harumi, Martina, Doreen, David, Verena... and, I even was able to
spread this passion to new fellows - two friends from Barcelona whom I
met in the hotel, and who decided to get up very early on senshuraku to
be able to get two tickets to enter the Kokugikan, so they could enjoy
one of the most
to today’s modern communications and transportation, Tokyo is no longer
so far away. It’s not so expensive either, or at least very similar to
many of the main European cities. None of the reasons that until now
have stopped you from travelling to Japan can be an excuse not to
decide to get your plane tickets and run to see a live sumo match. And
there is no one better place to do it than Tokyo, the world-wide center
of this sport.
It’s difficult to explain the sensations that one has upon arriving in
Narita airport. Nerves at the time of beginning the dream trip,
some fear about confronting the complicated and strange Japanese kanji,
uncertainty because of the cultural difference between east and west...
all of these things are an explosive mixture that causes everything
that is exciting from the first day.
If you are a baseball fan, without
doubt you must visit Yankee Stadium in New York; if your favorite sport
is football (soccer) you would like to travel to Madrid to visit the
Santiago Bernabeu Stadium; if you like basketball you’ll enjoy it at
the Boston Garden. BUT, if you want to see sumo, there is no place in
the world like the Ryogoku Kokugikan. And yes, there it was - inviting
me to enter from the first day, even before the matches had begun -
with the arrogance of the owner of all the secrets and the most
appreciated treasures for all the sumo fans.
A sumo tournament inside the Kokugikan is not a casual one. The
atmosphere you breathe from the first day is really special. The smell
of the bintsuke on the rikishi’s hair catches you from the first
moment, and the magic of the fight - live! - makes it like no
other sport that can compare when speaking about flexibility and
Perhaps a greater surprise that