<DATE> Contents

Attention to Akeni
Carolyn Todd
SFM's newest addition to the writing staff takes an in-depth look at akeni, their history and production techniques
Rikishi of Old
Joe Kuroda
Joe Kuroda slides former yokozuna Minanogawa under his SFM microscope
Eric Evaluates
Eric Blair
Eric's wit scythes through the SML and makes clear his opinion of where the future lies for online sumo forums.
Eternal Banzuke Phase II
Lon Howard
Stats, equations and mathematics all lead to a list of sumo's most prolific up and downers
Matta-Henka: Another View
Lon Howard
A row that will never be fully decided but Lon gives his impressions on it all the same
Heya Peek
Mark Buckton
Mihogaseki, former home of Estonian sekitori Baruto is toured (and peeked at) by SFM's Editor-in-Chief
SFM Interview
Mark Buckton
Mark interviews shin-komusubi Kokkai
Photo Bonanza
See the Nagoya basho and Akeni photo bonanzas
Nagoya Basho Summary
Lon Howard
Lon gives us his Nagoya basho summary, along with the henka sightings results
Lower Division Rikishi
Mikko Mattila
Mikko Mattila casts his watchful eye over lower division goings on in makushita and below.
Aki Ones to Watch
Carolyn Todd
Carolyn takes over the job of rikishi job performance prediction for SFM as she looks at those to keep an eye on come September
Kimarite Focus
Mikko Mattila
Our man Mikko's latest trio of kimarite get thrown about the SFM literary dohyo
Amateur Angles
Howard Gilbert
Howard returns with the second of his columns on the amateur sumo scene.
Sumo Game
SFM's very own quiz comes in for a bit of self scrutiny by our secretive man of questions. We'll call him 'X'.
Sumo in Print
Barbara Ann Klein
SFM’s Editor reviews “The Little Yokozuna”, a book for “young” (and older) adults
Kokugi Connections
Todd Lambert
Check out Todd's bimonthly focus on 3 of the WWW's best sumo sites
Fan Debate
Facilitator - Lon Howard
Keri Sibley and Eduardo de Paz  ponder the concept of ‘to pay or not to pay’ makushita salaries
SFM Cartoons
Stephen Thompson
Sit back and enjoy the offerings of one of sumo's premier artists
Lets Hear From You
What was it that made you a sumo fan? SFM’s own Todd Lambert details his path into sumofandom
Readers' Letters
See what our readers had to say since we last went out
Sumo Quiz
The Quizmaster
Answer the Qs and win yourself next basho’s banzuke.

  entrenar mas duro. Quizás después de un buen basho, el rikishi podrá ir a comer un buen Bistec de Kobe en vez de un Big Mac.

LH:  Una vez mas, nos gustaría agradecer a Eduardo y Keri por tomar un momento de sus ocupadas agendas y contribuir al esfuerzo de traernos a lo profundo del mundo del sumo. Keri estaba de vacaciones durante la mayor parte de este tiempo, y su nivel de dedicación es evidente. Este es el segundo Fan Debate donde ambas posiciones terminaron acercándose un poco a medida que el debate progresaba.

Esto no es negativo y por el contrario demuestra que idea sensibles son siempre bienvenidas entre gente sensible, y que escuchar cuidadosamente es tan importante como discutir apasionadamente. Ya que últimamente los temas de estos debates se han centrado alrededor del tema de como mejorar la popularidad del sumo dentro de Japón, es bastante interesante ver cuantas veces durante estos debates las ideas de un debate aparecen en luego en otra discusión en un tema diferente.

Como siempre, si tienen algún comentario o cualquier relacionada 

con los debates, por favor contáctanos a  fan_liaison_director@sumofanmag. com

Nos gustaría en especial recibir sugerencias para futuras discusiones y cuales serían las posiciones que les gustaría tomar. Por supuesto, no podemos prometer que cada pedido sera llevado a cabo, pero si prometemos que cada una sus sugerencias serán cuidadosamente consideradas.


L10 Web Stats Reporter 3.15