Brothers still active on the dohyo get their turn
SFM’s most eminent historian, JK, has a crack at the impossible and tries to see who was the greatest of the tsuna wearers
Takanobori – former sekiwake, former NHK man and all ’round gent
Kitanoumi-beya, Kitazakura, mirrors & photo bonanza
Kazuyoshi Yoshikawa (son of the late sekiwake Takanobori) on life in sumo way back when
Behind every good man there stands a good woman – read and ye shall see. A departure from our regular 101 feature
plus much more through the lens of our photographers
Lon gives us his Hatsu Basho summary, along with the henka sightings results
Mikko Mattila covers lower division goings on in detail
Pierre predicts the Haru Basho banzuke while Mark highlights the ones to look out for in Osaka
Mikko takes us on a tour of his chosen kimarite
John’s unique bimonthly view of sumo news from outside the dohyo and in the restaurants!
SFM’s own Alexander Nitschke covers the long running Hoshitori Game
Todd’s bimonthly focus on 3 of the most interesting sumo sites today
a pair of Kiwis exchanging opinions on the honbasho going on the road
SFM Cartoons
Benny Loh & Stephen Thompson
In the third of our cartoon bonanzas, sit back and enjoy BL’s offerings and put a caption to ST’s pic to win yourselves a banzuke
made you a sumo fan? A unique perspective from a sightless reader.
readers had to say since our last issue
Sumo Quiz
The Quizmaster
Answer the Qs and win yourself next basho’s banzuke.
The front page has the look of a glossy Japanese pop culture magazine. On the left you find the standard links to pages profiling the oyakata, the ozeki, his stablemates, the heya staff such as the tokoyama and yobidashi, fan club information, and a photo gallery. Elsewhere you can find links to download Tamanoi-themed wallpaper for your computer, read the stable web-log (graciously translated
into English and posted on the SumoForum here), and check out Tochiazuma's brand new blog. Interested in some unique products? You can access information on a restaurant serving Tamanoi style chanko nabe and a shop making original Tamanoi t-shirts. Would you like to know more about the inner workings of a sumo stable? You can read an interview of the okamisan by
following the link to a shop making geta (wooden clogs), where she speaks about the lesser-known side of sumo. There are enough pictures, icons, and roman script on the front page to make nagivation possible and enjoyable even for those with limited Japanese. The friendly folks of Tamanoi await your visit!