Amateur Sumo – the sport as it should be
Mark Buckton
Sakai World Sumo Champs – not all about winning

Las Vegas Koen
Joe Kuroda
Our man reports from the fight capital of the world

Rikishi of Old
Joe Kuroda
A look at a rikishi of yesterday with Kotozakura – our man for October

Heya Peek
John Gunning
John’s early morning dash to Azumazeki-beya & report on TKOTU

SFM Interview
Katrina Watts sits down with SFM’s Mark Buckton to discuss amateur sumo

Photo Bonanza
SFM’s best yet – Aki Basho/ Las Vegas / Amateur World Champs / Azumazeki-beya visit – seen nowhere else

Aki Basho Review
Lon Howard
Lon gives us his Aki Basho summary, along with the henka sightings results, and his take on the tournament while ‘gem’ of the basho takes a break

Lower Division Rikishi
Mikko Mattila
Mikko Mattila returns to cover lower division ups and downs

Kyushu Basho Forecast
Pierre Wohlleben & Mark Buckton
Pierre predicts the Kyushu Basho banzuke while Mark previews the ones to watch next time out

Sumo 101
Barbara Ann Klein
Discovers and explains amasumo & ozumo variations

Kimarite Focus
Mikko Mattila
Mikko once again walks us through his chosen kimarite

John McTague
John’s unique bimonthly view of news from outside the dohyo

Online Gaming
Zenjimoto of ‘game fame’ covers some of the very best sumo games around – his own!

Kokugi Connections
Todd Lambert
Todd’s focus on 3 of the most interesting online sumo sites today

Fan Debate
Is the limit on foreign rikishi fair? See what our debaters had to say

SFM Cartoons
Benny Loh
In the first of our cartoon bonanzas, sit back and chuckle at Benny Loh’s offerings

Let’s Hear From You
What was it that made you a sumo fan? Gernobono tells all

Readers’ Letters
See what SFM readers had to say since our last issue

Sumo Quiz
The Quizmaster
Answer the Qs and win yourself next basho’s banzuke.

definitely enjoyed the meals here and was impressed by the grand architecture.” On his seventh consecutive yusho quest: “The record is so near as I have now reached the sixth. It’s such an unprecedented record that I want to do all I can to achieve it.” On tomorrow: “Well, I have nothing planned for tomorrow. For one thing I’d like to spend the whole day relaxing as I was focusing so much on sumo for the last week or so.” On the Las Vegas tournament’s atmosphere resembling a rock concert: “You know, as I was going in for the final, someone told me he was cheering for me because he had his money riding on me. So I felt, ‘OK I’ll go all out for him’.” On a question about approaching the tachiai from the west side in the yusho kettei-sen, as asked by our editor, Barbara Ann Klein: “I really felt weird. Like something is not right. I think it’s been two years or so when I last entered the dohyo from west. I almost felt I was lost, not sure even how to move.” On having a son: “I am so happy. I simply expected the baby would be a boy. I wouldn’t have known what I have done if it turned out to be a girl (laughs). Sure I’d like to raise him to be a sumotori and it’s obviously up to him to decide, but I will try to make him a strong competitor.” On training anything differently now that he has been a yokozuna for a while: “More than anything physical, I am trying to improve mentally, to develop mental toughness.” And then, “finally, at this point I’d just like to express my sincere appreciation to the city and the people of Las Vegas, the Mandalay Bay Resort, and the American fans for their ardent support in making this tournament such a great success. Thank you very much.”

Kitanoumi Rijicho: “Las Vegas may judge sporting events staged here harshly, but I believe we were able to gain a
certain understanding. This tournament had an added flavor quite unlike the koens we had last year in South Korea and China. I firmly believe it was a great success.” On the next foreign tour: “Currently we have no plans to hold another foreign tour next year.”

Next Foreign Koen

The Kyokai has had tour invitations from Taiwan, England, Italy, Australia and Brazil. However, Kyokai members have hinted that the near-future focus will be on improving their regional jungyo (tours), since they have been forced to cancel several due to the recent apparently sagging interest, and lack of local sponsors.

Full results
Las Vegas picture bonanza