before turning the tables and taking another great win. Satoyama has been a bit in the shadows of Baruto and Shiraishi, but this small guy has prospects to continue the success also in juryo. His play-off against his stablemate Baruto in Nagoya basho 2004 already gave signs of what kind of a rikishi Satoyama is. Maybe the following characterization is a bit too overwhelmingly positive for him as he is still a makushita, but in his arm-fencing defense and footwork, he has features from both Tochiazuma and Hakuho and regarding those attributes, such a combination is pretty much as good as it gets. There is also some resemblance to Ama’s perseverance in his sumo. Ama’s sumo was often admired and regarded as extraordinary by many oyakata when Ama was in lower ranks. It would be fascinating to hear what the various oyakata see in Satoyama’s sumo now. Sure, Satoyama is small and will undoubtedly have a problem to solve with sekitori level power, but for now it is impossible to evaluate how well his sumo works against strong juryo opponents. He sure has had a lot of experience in strong sekitori level rikishi since he trains with Baruto and Shiraishi. |
Futeno’s tsukebito Dewaotori (19 years old, 3-4 at Ms10) has a lot of power but needs to sharpen up his sumo and tachi-ai in order to avoid getting into hopelessly inferior positions where even his power doesn’t help any more. His sumo was rather slow and sloppy in Aki basho. He doesn’t yet perform nearly as well as he could. 39-year old Kotokanyu, who started his career in Ozumo in 1981 (three years before Kotonowaka), had a streak of narrow 3-4 makekoshi in last |
tournaments, but showed once again that he is not going anywhere yet with his 6-1 at Ms27 which takes him back to high makushita for Kyushu in November. Czech Takanoyama carried on his kachikoshi streak in makushita with a 4-3 at Ms17 vanquishing his foes with his usual technical sumo and is already the highest ranked non-sekitori in the big Naruto-stable. Mongolian 21-year old Koryu also finished Next Home |