Today I've got three "major subjects" on Sumo. The Upside Down Hoshitori online game (guess the 13 least successful rikishi of the basho), the "kabu-babu" (the talk about the oyakata licenses - it is rather a side issue on the wide field of Sumodom), and last but not least the German translations for the SFM. My favourite rikishi is Suzunohana Kazunori, a jonidan ranked wrestler whom I "adopted" in the first adopt-a-rikishi wave back in 2000. In my off-Sumo live I'm working as a controller for DPWN (German post), am a loving dad of two cats and interested in Mathematics (which I studied), German-type board games and the so-called "useless knowledge". Born 1979, raised in Regensburg, living in Bonn. |