Meet the Staff –  Alexander Herrmann

As a European, my Sumo addiction came - of course - with Eurosport: Days 10-12 of Kyushu Basho 1999 were aired. Since I didn't want to wait until the last portion of the show (I'm pretty impatient at times), I had a quick look into the internet and met the Sumo Mailing List and all the wonderful characters that were part of it. The story began...

Today I've got three "major subjects" on Sumo. The Upside Down Hoshitori online game (guess the 13 least successful rikishi of the basho), the "kabu-babu" (the talk about the oyakata licenses - it is rather a side issue on the wide field of Sumodom), and last but not least the German translations for the SFM. My favourite rikishi is Suzunohana Kazunori, a jonidan ranked wrestler whom I "adopted" in the first adopt-a-rikishi wave back in 2000.

In my off-Sumo live I'm working as a controller for DPWN (German post), am a loving dad of two cats and interested in Mathematics (which I studied), German-type board games and the so-called "useless knowledge". Born 1979, raised in Regensburg, living in Bonn.