10 Demands Submitted by the Tenryu Group and the Kyokai’s Response

Tenryu Group


Establish an audit system for the whole Sumo Kyokai and make public the revenues received and expenses used.

An audit system is already in place. Accounting statements have been released occasionally, however, we will endeavour to make them more widely available.

Review the basho hours and conduct the summer basho in the evening.

We have been refraining from restructuring the hours of operation of basho for fear of it being detrimental to rikishi health, for the convenience of the spectators and also for crowd control. We hope to respond to this request after more careful study.

Lower the admission prices, make more efforts towards the popularization of sumo and reduce of the number of privileged ‘masu’ seats while increasing the number of general admission seats.

We have been striving to lower the admission prices in the past and we will continue to work hard to realize this goal.

Abolish the chaya system.

The chaya have been dealing with ticket sales since a time before the Kokugikan was even built.  They have long served our fans and have made significant contributions to sumo. As this will involve great economic upheaval, we will need to consider this proposal with care.

Gradually eliminate the toshiyori system.

The toshiyori system has a long history, as we are all aware. We will need to deal with such an issue in addition to the treatment of those who have left the Kyokai in the past as well; we’d be hard pressed to agree with this proposal.

Establish an annuity for rikishi.

An annuity system is already well established. However, due to certain financial issues, there are cases where payment could be delayed. We do endeavour to provide payment immediately upon rikishi retirement.

Complete a fundamental restructuring of the jungyo system.

We continually review the jungyo system and are working further to bring about a greater level of efficiency and innovation within the system.

Increase rikishi income and maintain their living standards.

Both rikishi and Kyokai staff should do their utmost to eliminate excess capacity and to generate increased sources of revenue for themselves and others.

Lay off excessive numbers of Kyokai staff.

We have frequently addressed overstaffing and we have been working towards reducing excess staff numbers. For example, we have reviewed the qualification standards for new recruits recently.

Establish an association of rikishi with a mutual aid system.

We’d like to address the issues related to a rikishi association and mutual aid system at a later time.