Meet the Staff – Alisdair Davey

Alisdair Davey is a transplanted Englishman. He lives near Boulder, Colorado in the good ol’ US of A. He first became interested in Sumo, when back in the UK, Channel 4 started showing basho highlights at the time when Chiyonofuji ruled the roost.

Alisdair spends most of his day working as a solar physicist, a job that has taken him to Japan on a number of occasions. He also is the owner of a small Linux-based web hosting company, a privilege that enables him to host the Sumo Fan Magazine website.

In his ‘copious’ spare time he enjoys the fruits of living in the mountains and joining with other former colonials in a game of cricket. His sporting interests also run to American Football where he runs an international mailing list for fans of the San Francisco 49ers.

Alisdair works on the boring technical stuff you don’t see, for the magazine.